How I can help you online

Welcome to THINK FEEL RIDE the on line coarse designed specifically to hep you take control of your fear instead of fear taking control of you, connecting our thoughts and our understanding of them to how we feel emotionally and physically moving into our effectiveness as a rider.
This coarse has been written to help you develop more skills and tools to help you with the many different situations you face and specifically the battle that we all have with our thinking that tells us there are problems that ant actually there and are not real or true……
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are thinking of all the things that could go wrong ? and to every reason why something can go right, you find a reason it could go wrong ? for example, lets go hacking today its a nice sunny quiet day…. your thinking strait away says …woooooahhh just a minuet, Hacking ? out in the open ? uhh no i don’t think thats a good idea, what if a dog chases you? what if your horse doesn’t like a cyclist what will you do, how will you cope, he may bolt home, you could fall off, then how will you go to work, look after the kids ? No No No i don’t think hacking is a good idea?!
Does this sound familiar for you ? and when it is pointed out to you that your horse is bombproof, has never in 10 years put a foot wrong, is unflappable and a great nanny to youngsters, you come out with…..” but there is always a 1st time” …. you and many many others are suffering the same thing, its simply our thinking trying to trick us, it thinks its helping by trying to keep us safe, however in this instance it is making us believe things that aren’t real or true, they haven’t happened before and there is no reason for them to happen again, but we believe them, because of corse anything is possible at any time. However this is where Fear takes control of us and paralyses us, we stop doing the things we really want to do out of unsubstantial thoughts that we are believing, and what happens when we believe these thoughts is we start to get the feeling that is attached to that thought, For example: if we believe the thought that our horse might bolt and we come off, we start to physically feel what that would be like, and then the brakes go on and we don’t dare do the “HACK”….. and it feels so real to us that we simply can not allow ourselves to be in such a “dangerous “ situation so we don’t …. then what follows is the disappointment feeling that we have missed out on something we really wanted to do, but we had convinced ourselves it was dangerous, and all because our thoughts told us so….
So when we look at the facts of the situation, for example your horse has never put a foot wrong and isn’t spooky in any way, why do we believe this sudden thought that it could go wrong? we choose to believe it because when we have a thought we feel that thought in the moment, so the fear feels REAL, and we can easily confuse GUT FEELING with feeling our thought in the moment.
During this coarse we are going to be covering….
Understanding where our thinking comes from
We don’t have to believe our thinking
we only feel our thought in the moment
gut feeling
taking control of fear
excepting the outcome
building your confidence
Being yourself and loving it
understanding the horses thinking and way of looking at things
our perceived understanding of what the horse thinks
how humans and horses clash in language and communicating
how to understand and communicate better with your horse
how we effect and cause reactions from the horse biomechanically
pressure and release understanding
Aims, goals and working with what you have
methodical, logical training for you and your horse to build an amazing partnership
basic training exercises for flat work
correct way of going and why its so important
enjoying your horse
becoming a partnership
this course will challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone, to get where you want to be and to develop your own skills and understanding you need to be committed to change, be prepared to look hard in the mirror and except that you may have to make some changes to you, If your committed to working with me on this and committed to change then your in the right place, everything is designed to support and guide you, no cover stories or short cuts, but nothing changes unless something changes, and that is all down to you…… are you ready to really become the person you are inside and enjoy life without FEAR controlling you? … if so get signed up and ready to start this corse .